City Commission Meeting Tonight


City CommissionThe Huron City Commission will start tonight’s City Commission meeting by convening as the Board of Adjustments to consider two variances. One is filed by Holy Trinity Catholic Parish for a request to build a single family dwelling to specifications that do not meet city codes for setbacks. The second is a request to build two single family residences in an area where code allows only one, in the Joint Jurisdictional Area.. When the City Commission reconvenes, Commissioners will consider a payment request for concrete replacement and an appraisal recommendation for South Town Addition, the former Pagel/Swanson property. The Commission will consider certification and approval of the Huron Area Urban Boundary Map with the state Department of Transportation. Departmental items include consideration to approve a Catastrophic Leave Bank policy with recommendations from last week and appointments to the Lake and Riverfront Development Committee. Two human resource items on the agenda include hiring recommendations for part time Park and Splash Central employees and the Commission will get an update on city projects from the Engineering office. There are no scheduled executive or work sessions for the Huron City Commission, who meet tonight at 5:30 PM at the Huron Municipal Building. The meeting is open to the public.