City Commission Meeting Tonight

A full agenda awaits the Huron City Commission tonight. The consent agenda contains no less that eight different items to all be approved at the same time. Commissioners will consider setting a bid date for a lift station replacement project and will consider an easement for a storm sewer main. The Commission will consider a request by James River Equipment to place an antenna on the North Water Tower and will consider two plats filed by Earl Nordby for the former Pepsi plant property. All seven departmental items come from the Human Resource department. The include consideration of full time status for City Attorney Jeff Banks and Reference Librarian Stephanie Lorenz once each completes their respective probationary periods. Approval of hiring recommendations for Golf Pro Shop employees, Street Department employees and workers for Splash Central will be considered by Commissioners tonight. The Commission will also consider the resignation of Don Burdick from the Fire Department after 33 years with the City of Huron. There are no scheduled executive or work sessions for the Huron City Commission who meet tonight at 5:30 PM at the Huron Municipal Building. The meeting is open to the public.