City Commission Meeting Tonight

The Huron City Commission is meeting tonight at the Huron Municipal Building. Commissioners will consider awarding a bid for used automated side loader refuse compactor and will consider approval of a service agreement with Trane Building Services for the Huron Municipal Building. Commissioners approved a similar agreement last week for the Huron Community Campus and Fine Arts Center Building. The Commission will also consider a combined election agreement with the Huron School District and setting the date for municipal and school board elections for April 8th. Commissioners will hear four ordinance reading tonight. One is the first reading of an ordinance regarding the disturbance of peace by dogs. The remaining ordinance readings are second readings of ordinances regarding street, alley and public ground vacations, zoning administration and enforcement and subdivision procedures. Commissioners will consider a hiring recommendation for the park and recreation department and will hold performance evaluations in a work session. The Huron City Commission is also scheduled to hold an executive session over a legal/contractual matter. The Huron City Commission meets tonight at 5:30 PM and the meeting is open to the public.