City Commission Meeting Tonight

City CommissionThe Huron City Commission is getting set to close out 2015. Tonight marks the final Monday night meeting of the year. Commissioners have a light agenda with seven items for consideration. The group will set January 11th as the date to rebid a new automated lift arm and controls for the Solid Waste Department and will consider a final payment request for 2015 sewer main lining. Commissioners will consider contracts with two unions for city employees. The AFSCME contract for certain city employees will run from 2016 to 2019. The Commission will also consider approval of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 3A for the city’s police department. Announcements regarding city services for the New Year holiday will be made and the Huron City Commission will meet in executive session for litigation. There are no scheduled work sessions. The Huron City Commission will also meet on New Year’s Eve at Noon to pay last minute bills and final year end business.