City Commission Meeting Tonight

City CommissionThe Huron City Commission has only a handful of meetings left in 2015 and one of those meetings is taking place tonight. Commissioners will consider purchasing two new police vehicles from Schoenhard Ford and will consider two change orders for various city infrastructure projects. The Commission will also consider setting January 4th as the date to accept bids for six bids. The projects for the bids range from annual infrastructure projects like curb and gutter, handicap ramp installation and crack sealing, to equipment purchases for various city departments. Commissioners will consider the annual rates resolution that will set rates and fines for various services in the city and a resolution that would authorize the Airport Board to enter into purchase agreements for lots near the Huron Regional Airport. The Solid Waste Department holiday schedule will be announced and the Commission is again slated to meet in executive session for a Contractual matter. There are no scheduled work sessions for the Huron City Commission, who’s meeting starts tonight at 5:30 P-M at the Huron Municipal Building. The meeting is open to the public.