City Commission Meeting Tonight

City CommissionThe Huron City Commission is meeting tonight at the Huron Municipal Building. The City will announce details of a new interactive emergency preparedness and notification system during public forum. Commissioners will consider setting a bid date for a new automated lift arm and controls for the solid waste department. The Commission will also consider a request from the Huron School District to perform “in kind” labor for a series of facility improvement projects at district properties. A special event alcohol license filed by Top Floor Events for the next Chamber Mixer event is on the agenda for consideration tonight along with two resolutions. Each resolution is a Resolution of Intent to set public hearings for December 21st regarding the prospect of the City entering into lease agreements with Celebrate Community Church for use of rooms at the Campus Center building. The Commission will also consider giving approval to the signing of two grant applications. One is through the Huron Get Fit Committee for a Department of Health grant for Worksite U-V protection for city workers working outdoors. The second is a grant through the state Department of Agriculture for the planting of trees. There are no scheduled work sessions however the Commission is again scheduled to meet in executive session for a contractual matter. The Huron City Commission meets tonight at 5:30 P-M. The meeting is open to the public.