City Commission Meeting Tonight

The Huron City Commission will be holding it’s regular weekly meeting tonight. Commissioners will consider payment requests for both the east and north water tower projects and will consider accepting a quote for crushing stockpiled concrete and asphalt. A public hearing will be held for a special event on-sale alcohol license filed by Holy Trinity Catholic Parish and will consider a special event on-sale alcohol license filed by the South Dakota State Fair. The Commission will consider a plat filed by the City of Huron and a renewal of the annual Hunting Access and Habitat Contract with the Game Fish and Parks Department for the walk-in hunting area at the old west landfill. Commissioners will consider a resolution removing a restrictive covenant from Lot 50, a re-plat of a land near Cardinal Lane. The Commission will also consider a quit claim deed for the transfer of property from the City of Huron to the Greater Huron Development Corporation or lots in the West Industrial Park. The Huron City Commission is also scheduled to meet in executive session for litigation. The Huron City Commission meets tonight at 5:30 PM and the meeting is open to the public.