City Commission Holds Monday Night Meeting.

The Huron City Commission zipped through an 11-item agenda Monday night. Commissioners approved the final payment and a change order for a sanitary sewer wet well project. City Engineer Mike Wever says the work done was preventative…


On and off sale special event wine licenses were approved for Holy Trinity’s Dinner Theater program on November 16th. The most substantial conversation of the night centered around a clerical mix up in paper work. Dave and Tonya Carlson sat in on the meeting expecting to take part in a public hearing on an alley vacation request they had made. The consent agenda at last weeks meeting approved the public hearing for the Carlson’s resolution for Monday night. However City Planner Ralph Borkoski says the public notice for the item was different…


Commissioners approved setting the public hearing for the Carlson’s alley vacation request for November 18th. Commissioners also authorized Mayor Paul Aylward to sign a Financial Assistance Agreement with the State of South Dakota for reimbursement of a project at Huron Regional Airport. The Commission approved the hiring of Randa Bennett as a new camera operator for City Commission meetings and approved the re-issuance of a civil service to find two police dispatchers. Commissioners also approved two human resource items relating to the Solid Waste Department before ending their in just over 17 minutes.