City Commission Hears Update On Recycling Program At The Two-Year Mark

recyclingThe City of Huron has been recycling for nearly two years now. Solid Waste Superintendent Dale Fortin updated the Huron City Commission on the progress of the program Monday night….


Residents participating in the recycling program are accounting for 33 pounds of waste removed from the solid waste stream. Fortin says the Solid Waste Department has been aggressive in addressing violations by creating awareness of what can and can not be recycled…


Violation calls are down to about a half dozen per week. Fortin says Huron’s participation over all is better than other city’s across the state…


Huron has shipped 332 tons of recyclable material to the city’s recycling vendor in Sioux Falls. Fortin says the number of new sign-ups per month averages eight with the number of bins returned is around two for a net gain of six new participants each month.