City Commission Gets First Look At James River Master Plan


JRMP CommishHuron City Commissioners got the first look at the Islands of the James River Monday Night….


NO, Kenny and Dolly are NOT a part of the James River Master Plan but at least three islands ARE a part of the plan to develop city owned property along the James River in Huron…


David Locke, Landscape Engineer with Stockwell Engineers of Sioux Falls says a third island would be incorporated into the area southeast of Third Street. That area includes an expanded disc golf course. Boardwalks are proposed around Ravine Lake…


An expanded golf course, turning Waibel Drive through Memorial Park into a loop and stop lights at Highway 14 and Jersey Avenue are a part of the multiphase Master Plan. Plans also turn the old municipal pool into a green event space in the summer and ice rink in the winter, with playground and floral gardens. The Master Plan also includes placing large boulders in the James River above and below the Third Street Dam. Locke says seeing the Master Plan out will take many years…


The public can view all of the plans for the James River Recreation Area during an open house on August 19th from 6:30 to 8:00 P-M in the Pyle Room at the Campus Center.