City Commission Approves Variance For Wash-Out Move

Pending approval by the South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the J and J Truck Wash-out west of Huron will be allowed to move to the site of the former Huron Dressed Beef plan. Jim Brock applied for the variance to move the wash-out to the old dressed beef site. He says he’s done a lot of work already and has plans to mitigate any odor from the animal waste that is washed out of semi-trailers hauling livestock…


The waste lagoons at the current location are approximately seven acres in size. The lagoons at the former Dressed Beef site are 11 acres. Brock says the extra size will help wash water evaporate faster. The solids separator should reduce odors by roughly 70 to 90-percent. When the City of Huron bought the site, the DENR entered into an environmental covenant on the land, restricting certain future use. City Planner Ralph Borkowski says variance approval by the Joint Planning Commission and City Commission amount to recommendations to the state…


City Attorney Gerry Kaufman agreed…


Borkowski says one person at the Joint Planning Commission meeting last Wednesday voiced opposition to the idea citing concerns over an increase in odor. That person lives approximately a mile north of the site. Brock says the anticipates it could take two years to gain DENR approval to use the site. He is hopeful to employ eight to ten people at the wash-out once the project is finished.