The Huron City Commission shot down an re-zoning request to classify a parcel of land a mile and a half west of Huron, along and north of U.S Highway 14 from Large Lot Residential or R-O to Agricultural, Fringe Protection. The request was brought by a number of landowners opposed to a hobby farm ordinance that would restrict the number of animals allow near homes in areas zoned R-O. Herbert Hofer has lived in the area since the early 1970’s and spoke at length, telling the Commission he believes the land should still be zoned as agricultural…
Cindy Van Dyke is also opposed to the re-zone…
[audio:|titles=zoning2]Mayor Dave McGirr says he understands the landowners concerns…
[audio:|titles=zoning3]No one spoke in favor of the proposed change. A second similar re-zoning petition for parcels of land just north of Huron in the Joint Jurisdictional area along Highway 37 was approved by the City Commission. A public hearing and second reading for that ordinance will be held at the City Commission’s April 2nd meeting.