City Commission Approves Fence Variance

The Huron City Commission meeting as the Board of Adjustments approved three variances Monday night. Commissioners heard an appeal of action they took two weeks ago regarding the variance of Fawn Olerud. Olerud and her husband Chris hired a contractor to build a fence around their property, but the fence was not built to code with angles in place to allow for visibility into the alley and driveway on opposite ends of the fence. The Olerud’s asked the Commission if they would approve lattice panels to allow for a better field of view toward the alley. Both Mayor Paul Aylward and Commissioner Mark Robish shared doubts about the effectiveness of the lattice..


Harlan Wipf lives a half block from the fence and told the Commission he would like to see the fence cut back…


Wipf added many kids play in the area…


The entire issue came to light last month when the Olerud’s contractor built the fence without getting a permit first, which would have let the parties know how the fence could have been constructed. It’s a subject Robish has touched on before…


Chris Olerud’s father asked for leniency in regards to the penalty considered because the fence was built without a permit. That fee was waived as part of Robish’s motion if the Olerud’s changed the fence to be angled or have an inside corner. Commissioners approved the other two variance before them and spent just over 45 minutes meeting as the Board of Adjustments.