City Commission Approves All Items On Agenda

City CommissionThe Huron City Commission made quick work of it’s agenda Monday. Commissioner Gary Harrington reminds residents of a household hazardous waste collecting coming in October….


Commissioners approved propane quotes and a payment request for a sewer main lining project. Assistant City Engineer Dennis Bennett says this was the first use of Municipal Pipe and Tool on a city project….


Commissioners also approved the assessing of delinquent special assessments against certain properties in Huron and an agreement with Mid Dakota Rural Water System to place an antenna on the water tower behind Dakota Provisions. The second reading of the 2016 budget ordinance was also approved by the City Commission. Finance Commissioner Bryan Smith says little changed in the two weeks since the first reading. Finance Officer Paullyn Carey says property taxes were adjusted slightly…


Commissioners also approved an agreement with the South Dakota Division of Finance and Management’s Office of Air, Rail and Transit regarding the purchase of land for a project to move the runway protection zones at the Huron Regional Airport and second reading of an ordinance establishing a Zoning Board of Adjustment.