City Commission Again Gathers Early For Executive Session

City CommissionThe Huron City Commission is again meeting early to conduct an executive session. The meeting will begin with roll call at five-p-m with Commissioners immediately scheduled to meet in executive session for a contractual matter. At approximately 5:30 P-M, the Commission is expected to leave executive session to conduct it’s regular weekly meeting as normal. Another brief agenda awaits Commissioners with a seven-item consent agenda and only three items for consideration. The first is consideration of a joint cooperative agreement with the Northeast Council of Governments for 2016 and a contract with Jim Bigelow for 2016 to be golf professional at Broadland Creek National Golf Course. Commissioners will also hold second reading of a re-zoning petition ordinance that would change the zoning of property along 21st street to General Business District from Multiple Family Residential.. There are no scheduled work sessions, however the agenda does list a second executive session for contractual matters. The Huron City Commission meets tonight at the Huron Municipal Building the non executive session portions of the meeting is open to the public.