City Approves 2nd Reading of Sump Pump Ordinance, Hears Report from Huron Senior Center

Monday night, the city heard it’s semi-annual report from the Huron Senior Center.

Executive director Jim Hofer says Beadle County Area Nutrition numbers were down for the first six months of the year.

Hofer says numbers remain high for Meals on Wheels.

Hofer says the board has not decided what to do with the space formerly occupied by the Adult Daycare program.

In other business,

The city has approved second reading of an ordinance pertaining to unpolluted water and sump pumps.

The ordinance adds a section to code which states that no person may discharge or cause to be discharged any storm water, surface water, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, cooling water, sump pump water, groundwater or untreated industrial process waters to any sanitary sewer. All sump pumps must be installed in a way that directs water to the exterior of the building.

The ordinance is an effort to deal with the demands made on the city’s water treatment facility by snow melt and wet weather.

2nd reading was also held on ordinances requiring a building permit for the installation of sump pumps and establishing a permit fee of $10 per sump pump.