City Approves Plat Filed by Violet Tschetter Memorial Home

The Huron City Commission has approved a plat filed by Violet Tschetter Memorial Home.

The nursing home closed its doors last month after 59 years in business.

The lot is being platted to sell the house on the southeast end of the property. The plat also includes a piece of property that includes the garage and provides alley access.

The home has a contract for sale and will be used as a single family residence.

In other business:

The city awarded the bid for water main replacement to Olson Construction in the amount of $ 820,652.10.

Set July 1, 2019 as the public hearing date to consider transferring a 2019 Retail On-Sale Liquor License from Ground Round Grill & Bar to Greater Huron Development Corporation.

Approved a fireworks public display permit filed by Danny Hofer for July 4 at Ravine Lake.