The Huron City Commission approved a bid by Asphalt Paving and Materials of Huron to do street milling and overlay work this summer. City Engineer Mike Wever says the city will be doing some unique projects with the bid…
Commissioner Dale Schneider asked Wever if anything will be done about the condition of two major routes through town…
[audio:|titles=streets2]Changes to the way State Transportation Improvement Project or STIP funds are distributed for projects changed to a two year process meaning money from gasoline taxes collected in Huron to be used for projects like 9th and Frank, will not be available for another year. Wever thinks its best for the city to grim and bear it for one more summer…
[audio:|titles=streets3]Wever said the city would attempt to patch smaller sections of those streets that get very bad. Meanwhile Commissioners Monday night approved the first reading of ordinances that adopt recently approved 2009 International Building Codes and updating and ordinance past last year that dictates how high branches and tree limbs may hang over certain roadways.