The Huron City Commission Monday approved approximately eight-thousand dollars in funding to bring up-to-date a back dispatch location at the North Fire Station. Police Chief Gary Will, Jr. says the back-up upgrade is required for the City to be in compliance as a dispatch center…
Huron has the ability to dispatch locally if the main center at the Huron Municipal Building were to be rendered inoperable, but the Huron Dispatch Center dispatches for five area counties…
[audio:|titles=backupdispatch2]Mayor Dave McGirr says the city is trying to meet the requirements for a possibly rare event…
[audio:|titles=backupdispatch3]McGirr says normally such a request would move through the Capital Assets Committee and would be planned and budgeted for a year in advance, but had to be expedited for the City to remain in compliance. Will says the City is required to have the ability to get a back-up dispatch center in operation with in 60 minutes of the main facility being disabled. Funding for the upgrades will come from the 9-1-1 account and the counties that contract with Huron for dispatch service.