City Approves Mixed Commercial/Residential Use of Downtown Building

The city has approved a conditional use permit for a mixed-use of commercial and residential.

The property at 274 Dakota Avenue S. was formerly the”Habicht’s Store”. The commercial use will be in the front of the building and the residence towards the back.

Jeffrey Pownell, who along with his wife, purchased the property last month, requested that the city allow a dwelling unit on a portion of the main floor, where code requires a conditional use permit for that use. This is provided that the unit does not occupy the first floor in an area zoned Central Business District.

City Planner Barry Cranston, said initially there were some concerns about parking but the hearing examiner recommended approval with the condition that all fire and building codes are met.

City Commissioner Doug Kludt thanked the Pownell’s for “taking a leap of faith”.

Pownell says the commercial portion of the property will be devoted primarily to an ice cream shop, with some food and retail.