City Agrees To Pledge $18, 500 To Kansas Mall Project

Kansas MallThe Kansas Mall project is continuing with additional support from the City of Huron, but it was not without debate…


City Planner Ralph Borkowksi told Huron City Commissioners Monday night he needed to fill in a line on an application for funding to the Huron Community Foundation as to how much money the city would put toward sprucing up the strip of city-owned land between two downtown businesses. A local realtor told Borkowski the National Realtor’s Association has a possible grant opportunity up to 15-thousand dollars. The Huron Community Improvement Committee has agreed to donate five-thousand dollars. That Committee is city-funded and the city is applying for another five-thousand dollars from the Community Foundation. At debate is how much more the city should put forward. Commissioner Mark Robish says the city needs to take ownership of the project….


Commissioner Bryan Smith made a motion to take 18-thousand 506-dollars from reserves to fill the gap. He said that money could be pulled back slightly depending on how much additional support is made. Commissioner Doug Kludt supports the project but wants to see less city money go to it…


The Commission approved the motion on a four to one vote with Kludt voting against.