Officially, only one more week remains for the 2012 Spring Huron Police Department Citizen’s Police Academy. However, due to continuing construction at the Campus Center, an extra night was added so students can use the Use of Force Simulator. Officer Mark Johnson told the class the room was far from ready and rescheduled the Simulator demonstration for later this month. The class did cover the job of School Resource Officer. S-R-O Cory Borg says he plays three distinct roles in his job…
The conversation on school turned briefly to small gangs of mainly Hispanic and Asian youth that are in Huron. Police Chief Gary Will stopped in to talk Code Enforcement. Will says Officer Jack Neitzert can find much more that low hanging trees or cars parked illegally too long…
[audio:|titles=hpdawk9-2]Will also asked the class of their opinions on how the Police Academy has went. With one week to go most found it an enlightening and eye-opening experience. Some suggested more hands-on activities. Will says more hands-on activity could mean a balancing act between more or less class room time. Officer Jeff VanGerpin spoke at length to wrap up the night on domestic violence. Class members who have not done ride-alongs got their assignments. Performance Radio News has been assigned a daytime shift on June 22nd. With exception of a bonus simulator night, the Citizen’s Police Academy will conclude next Thursday.