The Huron Police Citizen’s Police Academy officially wrapped up Tuesday night with students getting the chance to run through scenarios in the department’s Use of Force Simulator. Students had to decide, depending on the situation whether the use of deadly force was appropriate….
Or not appropriate…
[audio:|titles=hpdasim2]Hjalmer Tschetter is one of the Police Academy participants who gained a greater appreciation for the stresses officers are under in use of force situations…
[audio:|titles=hpdasim3]The Huron Police Department recently sent out a letter to area law enforcement agencies inviting them to a training with the simulator later this month. The Huron Use of Force Simulator is one of only three in South Dakota. Performance Radio wishes to thank the Huron Police Department for allowing us to document the rebirth of the Citizen’s Police Academy. Information about the Citizen’s Police Academy will be available during the National Night Out block party in Campbell Park on August 7th