Christmas Basket Concludes Thursday Night.

The Salvation Army Christmas Basket program completed another successful four night run last night…


Longtime Christmas Basket program host Ken Linblad made that announcement live during the radio, television, on-line streaming simulcast of the program as the show came to a close. Afterwards Linblad reflected on another good showing for the event…


Captain Eric Johnson of the Salvation Army in Huron is grateful people again chose to give despite the current economic climate…


Linblad says he’s not surprised people continue to give…


Both Linblad and Johnson extended a great deal of thanks to the large number of volunteers who assist in putting the program on. Money is used for the Salvation Army Christmas Food Basket program. Last year over 39-thousand dollars was pledged and the total raised was nearly 55-thousand dollars, both records. Over 170 families received a food basket because of the program. Those who have made pledges are reminded to send those pledge to the Salvation Army, P-O Box 1362, Huron, South Dakota 57350. Please mark on the envelope or check “Christmas Basket Program.