Chip and Fog Seal Projects in Huron Area

The South Dakota Department of Transportation says chip seal and fog seal applications will be applied to several highways in the Huron area beginning Thursday, July 20


The contractor will move from one project to the next in the following order with the approximate date they will arrive:

·         Highway 25 – 12 miles, from DeSmet south to the Kingsbury County line beginning July 20, 2017

·         Highway 28 – 12 miles, from 424th Ave east to the south junction of highways 25 and 28 beginning  July 25, 2017

·         Highway 45 – 10 miles, from Miller south to 208th Street beginning July 28,2017

·         Highway 34 – 12 miles, from the north junction of highways 47 and 34 to Fort Thompson beginning Aug. 1, 2017

·         Highway 47 – 18 miles, from Highmore to the north junction of highways 47 and 34 beginning  Aug. 7, 2017

·         Highway 281 – 19 miles, from Mellette to Redfield beginning Aug. 14, 2017


Fog seal applications will be applied after the chip seals are complete.

Traffic will be reduced to one lane and guided through the project with the use of flaggers and a pilot car. A delay up to 15 minutes can be expected while traveling through the work area.

Work is expected to be completed on Oct. 14, 2017.