Children’s Author to Make a Stop in Huron

It is a funny name for an author, but you will have to come to the Huron Public Library on Saturday, July 8 to find out how children’s author, “Goob” got her name. Goob is the author of A Fairy Different Life and The Color of Beauty. Her rhyming style of writing makes her books appealing to readers of all ages, and the subtle messages infused inside the stories make them favorites in the Books 4 Kids Program.

The Color of Beauty will be the featured title when Goob visits Huron. 

Goob has read her book in dozens of schools across South Dakota as part of the Books 4 Kids Program. As is the case with any B4K event held in school, Goob has promised a surprise for every attendee!

There will be two sessions, with birth to second graders at 1:00 pm and third grade and older at 2:00 pm. Sponsored through a grant from the South Dakota Humanities Council in connection with their 2017 initiative on race and civility the public is invited to attend.

To learn more about Goob and the Books 4 Kids Program, visit

For more information about this and other programs stop by the Huron Public Library or phone 353-8530.