The Beadle County States Attorney’s Office has filed charges against two automotive fuel providers, charging them will selling 85 Octane gasoline in Beadle County..
States Attorney Mike Moore says the Department of Public Safety Office of Weights and Measures notified his office in June that the five Corner Pantry Stores in Huron and 281 Travel Center in Wolsey had illegally sold the 85 Octane fuel….
[audio:|titles=85charges2]Moore says the law doesn’t require that gas stations knowingly sell the poor grade fuel..
[audio:|titles=85charges3]A state Legislative Committee adopted rules permitting 85 Octane gas be sold only in nine West River South Dakota counties. Those rules do not apply to the gas allegedly mislabeled and sold in Beadle County this March. The owners of Rapid City based M-G Oil and the 281 Travel Center in Wolsey are due in court on the Class Two Misdemeanor charges on October 17th. The maximum sentence is a 500 dollar fine and up to 30 days in jail.