The Huron City Commission approved a resolution endorsing the “Super Two” highway layout for a reconstruction project on Highway 37. What the Commission is not in approval with is where the highway should be transitioned to a single north and south lane with a center turn lane. The South Dakota Department of Transportation wants to begin the lane squeeze at 15th Street Northwest. Barry Cranston of the Greater Huron Development Corporation say his organization is also against starting the “Super Two” at 15th…
Cranston thought the traffic coming into the James Valley Christian school should be examined as a part of the process, especially when it relates to after extracurricular activities like sporting events. And while the DOT has final say in how Highway 37 will be changed, Mayor Dave McGirr says the city has been quite helpful to the State on a number of highway projects…
[audio:|titles=supertwo2]The project is on the 5-year DOT plan and is scheduled to start in 2014. A number of steps remain in the planning process and the final design is subject to change