The City of Huron is looking to clarify ordinances that cover parking during snow events and Snow Alerts declared by the city. City Attorney Gerry Kaufman says plow crews begin clearing Snow Emergency Routes after two inches of snow has fallen on them regardless if the city officially declares a snow alert…
Kaufman says the addition to the ordinance hopes to clear up the confusion..
[audio:|titles=snowalertchange2]Kaufman also says a change will becoming to Dakota Avenue when it comes to snow removal…
[audio:|titles=snowalertchange3]The City will look to add a change to what it might cost you if your caught parking illegally during snowfalls greater than two inches An increase in magistrate court costs would mean the City would get less money from a snow alert ticket if it is taken to court instead of just paid. Currently, city ordinance says 100 dollar PLUS court costs. A change to 120 dollars will be considered for the ordinance’s second reading next week.