Changes Coming To Health Inspections For Restaurants

While restaurants see two state health inspections each year, getting those results and scores has been difficult. That will soon change.  Tom Martinec deputy secretary for the South Dakota Department of Health says they are moving to a new, online reporting system…

[audio:|titles=Tom Martinec 611a]

Martinec says they do all their reporting now with hard copies…

[audio:|titles=Tom Martinec 611b]

Martinec says those inspection scores are and have been public information, but currently, people have to request fax or email copies of a particular business.  He says it will take some time for all the data to appear on the state system…

[audio:|titles=Tom Martinec 611c]

Martinec says they will also have results of inspections of motels, campgrounds and other facilities that serve the public.



(courtesy WNAX Yantkon)