The National Guard unit based in Miller is deactivated….
Roughly 90 seconds after Captain Rebecca Trygstad read those orders, the Guidon of Detachment Two, Alpha Company. 139th Brigade Support Battalion was encased as the unit prepares to become based out of the Regional Readiness Center in Watertown. South Dakota National Guard Adjutant General Major General Timothy Reisch called the deactivation of Miller’s unit historic….
[audio:|titles=millerguard2]Reisch says the South Dakota National Guard has been build by small towns like Miller…
[audio:|titles=millerguard3]Company A Commander, First Lieutenant Carl Stearns says he’s looking forward to what his 139th can do together…
[audio:|titles=millerguard4]Reisch told the small crowed assembled in the Miller Armory at the Miller High School that while the Guard is leaving Miller, it’s service to the community of 1500 will always be a phone call away.