With the announcement of the Name the Water Park contest Sunday, the Central Park Marketing Committee presented their basics to the Huron City Commission Monday night. Huron Chamber and Visitor’s Bureau Executive Director Peggy Woolridge says over 60 people have entered water park names on line in just the first day. But Woolridge says the Marketing Committee has number items in their sights…
Woolrigde says the Business Improvement District is also being included in the marketing of Central Park…
[audio:http://prprt.itmwpb.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/688/2012/03/cenprkmarket2.mp3|titles=cenprkmarket2]Woolridge reminds those who want to suggest a name for the water park to get official forms either on-line or at the Chamber Office, Huron Municipal Building or Park and Rec Department Office. Ground breaking for Central Park is tentatively set for March 28th. The Commission also approved insurance coverage for Central Park and the Campus Center.