Nearly 16-thousand dollars has been returned to South Dakotans who have checked the Unclaimed Property Booth at this year’s South Dakota State Fair. As of 3 PM Friday State Treasurer Vern Larson says 71 people have claimed money in their name. 40 people collected 8,750 dollars on Thursday, the first day of the Fair. Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Scott Heidipriem is owed $100 dollars by the State of South Dakota. Dennis Daugarrd’s name was not on the list but a David Daugarrd of Garritson is and is owed 45 dollars. A relative of Republican US House candidate Kristi Noem is also on the unclaimed property list. LeRoy Noem of Clark has 30 dollars in his name in the Treasurer’s Office. US House candidates Stephanie Herseth/Sandlin and B Thomas Marking were not on the list. Attorney General Marty Jackely had 50 dollars returned to him, last week.