Eight days ago, most candidates running in the Primary election were gathered with fellow party candidates or huddled around computer screens and radios. waiting to hear the results. De Smet’s Jay B-K Slater was doing none of that…
The results that shocked Slater was a second place finish in the Primary that left him two votes shy of an overall win in the Republican primary. Slater led most of the evening before Beadle County Commissioner Dick Werner ended the night with 725 votes. Slater, who’s never run for an office before, had 724….
[audio:http://prprt.itmwpb.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/688/2012/06/slatershocker2.mp3|titles=slatershocker2]Now that Slater is locked into the November ballot, his campaign out look is changing…
[audio:http://prprt.itmwpb.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/688/2012/06/slatershocker3.mp3|titles=slatershocker3]Slater joked that he would need more money now that he will be campaigning for the two open slots in District 22 in the House of Representatives. He says the near win June 5th has lead to an increase in contributions. Joining Slater on the ballot this fall will be Werner, Democratic incumbent Representative Peggy Gibson and former Democratic lawmaker Dale Hargens.