Camping Reservations Up So Far In 2014

gfpgfpgfpimagesThe Visitor Services Supervisor with the G F & P’s Parks and Recreation Division says camping reservations are up so far this year at state parks and recreation areas. Lynn Spomer (SPOH-mur) says reservations for camping spots for the Memorial Day weekend booked quickly and many locations are filled to capacity for the upcoming holiday.

Lynn Spomer-1 Memorial Day Sites Filled Up Quicklym13.

Spomer says trends have been showing that more campers are making reservations early-especially at popular locations like Lewis and Clark and Farm Island Recreation Areas. She says many people are extending their outdoors time-coming to camp earlier in the week and staying longer. South Dakota has 4,300 campsites in its parks and recreation areas and Spomer says that seems to be a manageable number right now.

Lynn Spomer-2 4,300 Sites Working for Nowm13

Camping reservations can be made 90 days before arrival at all locations except Custer State Park online through or via a call center in Sioux Falls at 800-710-CAMP