Business Index Creeps Toward Growth Neutral

MoneyThe Business Conditions Index, for the nine state Mid-America region which ranges between zeo and 100. declined to 51-point-three from October’s 51-point-eight. After rising to it’s highest level in more than three years in June, the overall reading has hovered in a range pointing to positive, but much slower, growth for the overall regional economy over the next three to six months.  Dr.Ernie Goss director of Creighton University’s Economic Forecasting Group says businesses are not adding as many workers…

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This month, 46 percent of supply managers reported the number of applicants exceeded the number of jobs available, while 28 percent indicated the number of jobs was greater than the number of applicants.  Goss says there is a problem in that…

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Goss said based on the numbers, he is making a prediction for December…

Ernie Goss 1201c  Goss says looking six months out, economic optimism, as captured by the November business confidence index, climbed to 61-point-five from 61-point-two in October.