Burn Ban Lifted for Portions of Hand County

The Hand County burn ban has been lifted for all areas in Hand County except areas in the Ree Heights and Tulare fire districts. All burn ban restrictions and enforcement will remain in the Ree Heights and Tulare fire district until further notice. 

The Tulare fire district incorporates the entire Burdette and Wheaton township.The Ree Heights fire district incorporates the entire Riverside, Ree Heights, Spring Hill, Cedar and Como. The Green Leaf, Midland,Rock Dale, and Glendale townships partially incorporate the Ree Heights fire district. Those that are unsure if they are in the Ree Heights fire district should contact their township board members or the Hand County Emergency Manager 605-204-0267. 

With the ban lifted, open controlled burning in areas excluding the Ree Heights and Tulare fire districts may commence. Please contact the Hand County Sheriff’s Office if you are going to perform a controlled burn.

Those that have questions regarding the burn ban restrictions or an ordinance clarification should contact the Hand County Emergency Manager 605-204-0267 or the Hand County Sheriff’s Office 605-853-2408.