Briefs Filed By Both Sides In Opsal Agreement Release, Awaiting Ruling From Judge

A decision on whether or not the Huron School District will be required to unseal and release the terms of an agreement made with former Superintendent Ross Opsal, sits with a judge in Huron. Huron School Board Chairman Tim Van Berkum read a statement from School Board member David Wheeler Monday night….


Wheeler is a Huron lawyer but not the School District’s lawyer. That job belongs to Rodney Freeman. Van Berkum says according to Wheeler’s statement, Freeman is attempting to make contact with Opsal…


After reading Wheeler’s statement on the Opsal agreement, Van Berkum asked if any Board members had comments, to which there were none. There was no time table given as to when Erickson was expected to make a ruling on the issue. The state Office of Hearing Examiners ruled in late March of this year, that the District should release the agreement, which paid Opsal nearly 174-thousand dollars over a 16-month period after Opsal resigned as superintendent citing health reasons. The Huron School District was paying for both the former superintendent Opsal and current superintendent Terry Nebelsick from March of 2011 to June of 2012.