Bragg Announces Re-election Bid for City Commission

Rich Bragg, current City Commissioner, announced Friday his intention to seek re-election.

In announcing his candidacy, Bragg said “I am excited for this opportunity to continue serving our community. Huron has been a great home for me and my family, as well as a great location to operate my business. The past 4 years as a City Commissioner have been a tremendous learning experience, and I look forward to utilizing that knowledge to continue to serve and improve the city of Huron.”

Bragg has owned Slumberland furniture in Huron for nearly 20 years. Bragg previously served on the Huron Chamber and Visitors Bureau board, holding the offices of both President and Treasurer. He has also served as a board member and Treasurer for Greater Huron Development Corporation.  Other community boards include HYP/Huron Connect, Huron Area Arts Council, the Finance Committee at his church, Business Improvement District, and the Huron Area Community Theater, among others.  “I love Huron because there are so many amazing opportunities to become involved.  I have enjoyed working alongside likeminded individuals to make Huron a great place to work and live.”  Bragg said.

Bragg and his wife Jen have two children. Charlie is fourteen and Ellie is twelve.  Jen Bragg currently serves as Executive Director for the United Way Heartland Region.

The Huron City Commission and Mayoral election is scheduled for April 9th, in conjunction with the Huron School Board.
