The City of Huron has a new display to help celebrate the holidays.  Boy Scout troop 151 has decorated the drive through memorial park with a light display.  Troop leader Robert Bult talks about what brought him to commit his time and troop to the display.

Bult build all of the display pieces other than the cards, starting the process in March this year.  He said the response from visitors to the drive through display has been great.

An eye catcher on entering the display is the large Christmas tree he tells where their use came about.

The display runs weekends through New Years weekend Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 6-10 pm.  The week of December 20th the display will run all week.  If you would like to donate there will be a kettle with Santa at the end of the display to contribute.  You can also send a message to Huron Boy Scout troop 151 on their Facebook page.