Borszich Delivers GHDC Update To City Commission

Greater Huron Development Corporation Executive Director Jim Borszich presented an update on activities to the Huron City Commission Monday night. Borszich says although sales tax revenue was down one-percent, growth over the last 11 years has been more than expected…


Borszich illustrated the differences and growth in Huron by comparing numbers from a study on retail trade patterns in South Dakota done by the University of South Dakota. He says while industry and agriculture continues to be strong, retail is volatile


Only Spearfish and Aberdeen have grown more in the same time frame. Borszich says housing continues as a serious issue for Huron especially with a high demand for 374 open jobs…


Borszich encouraged the Huron City Commission to continue working to get the Pagel/Swanson property south of Coborn’s on the tax rolls. He says G-H-D-C has seen some limited interest in developing portions of the parcel along Highway 37.