Board Votes to Lower Capital Outlay Fund Tax Levy

The Huron Board of Education has approved a request to lower the tax levy on property for capital outlay fund purposes by $500,000.

The maximum amount of the tax request is set by the state at $3,607,592.

Business manager Kelly Christopherson said three major funds are interrelated.

He said increased enrollment means an increased need for support services.

There has been an explosion in special education numbers.

Christopherson said the current budget is based on a $600,00 transfer from the capital outlay fund.

Christopherson said the question is whether the district can reduce the capital outlay fund tax levy in support of local taxpayers.

He said the 2020-2021 budget will be tighter and there is no way to project next year’s enrollment.

While Christopherson says it is a “crapshoot”, the Board voted to approve the request to lower the levy to support local taxpayers.