Board of Adjustment to Take Another Look at Variance Request from GHDC

The commission will convene as the Board of Adjustment to consider a variance request from Greater Huron Development Corporation. GHDC is requesting to allow:

20’ front and rear yard setbacks, where code requires 25’ to 30’ front and rear yard setbacks

90’ lot frontages, where code requires a minimum 100’ lot width

Two-family homes, where code only allows a single-family home in areas zoned R-2 (One-Family Residential District, R-3 (One-Family, Two-family, and Townhouse Residential District) and R-4 (Multiple Family Residential District).

Action on the request was tabled last week.

Also on tonight’s agenda:

A public hearing on wastewater system improvements

The commission will also consider a plat filed by the City of Huron and Great Huron Development Corporation for Southtown 2nd Addition.

First reading of an ordinance that would add a section to code pertaining to unpolluted water and sump pump discharge.