Another look to day at a mental health memo from Austin Welker, the Clinical Supervisor of the Gateway Chemical Dependency Treatment Unit in Yankton at the Human Services Center. Austin focused on the Blessed Stressed Holiday, the enjoyment of the holidays and the stress to be prepared for all of the events putting pressure on our lives. Yesterday Austin spoke of “prairie fever” when homesteaders moved across the prairie in the late 1800’s and the stress of travel difficulties and less communication with others. Austin said even with all of those conveniences at our fingertips now the stress concerns of the holidays are still with us.
Austin was asked to write a mental health memo to post on the Department of Social Services web site. We will give you that web site information coming up. When we spoke with Austin we were joined by Jeremy Johnson, Administrator for the Human Services Center. Jeremy echoes Austin’s point about keeping phone use to a minimum.
Johnson said that the holidays cause an up tic in numbers at the Human Services Center. He recommends keeping in contact with those around you during and after the holidays.
The mental health memo is available to review online at DSS.SD.gov scroll down to Recent News and click on Blessed Stressed Holidays.