Bill To Require Drug Testing For Welfare Recipients

legislatureWelfare applicants in South Dakota would be screened and tested for illegal drugs under a bill that will be introduced in the state legislature.  Under the bill, adults applying for cash assistance would complete a screening or questionnaire and would be subjected to a mandatory drug screening. They would not receive the benefit if they test positive. At least 13 states have passed drug-testing or -screening legislation for people receiving or applying for public assistance.  The bill’s main sponsor, Representative Lynne DiSanto of Rapid City says the bill would make sure welfare recipients don’t use taxpayer dollars inappropriately…

Lynne Drug Test Bill 1

Those who test positive for drugs would be connected to treatment options. DiSanto says the bill would require any welfare applicant to pay the approximately 25 to 30 dollar initial drug test fee…

Lynne Drug Test Bill 2

DiSanto says support for this bill has been “overwhelmingly positive”…

Lynne Drug Test Bill 3

DiSanto’s next step is approaching tribal leaders across the state to get support for the bill.  In 2013, officials in Utah reported that its program requiring drug screening for welfare applicants saved the state more than $350,000 in its first year. Supporters there had said the state saved when drug testing appeared to discourage several hundred people from following through and getting their benefits.


(Courtesy KCCR Pierre)