Big Turnout For Enhancement Dedication



DSCF7266A dedication ceremony took place Monday in Huron for enhancements made to the Beadle County Veteran’s Memorial. Among the enhancements are a wall featuring names of Beadle County Veteran’s, statues depicting all branches of military service, and a one of a kind statue of Medal of Honor recipient Michael J. Fitzmaurice, who had previously lived in Cavour. Major General Timothy Reisch of the South Dakota National Guard not only gave a Memorial Day address to the full house in attendance, but applauded Huron’s resolve to honor Veterans…



Huron native and retired Lieutenant Colonial Debra Gilbertson sponsored a statue recognizing women in the military….



Fitzmaurice’s Medial of Honor Citation was read by Ralph Borkowski before his statute was unveiled to a standing ovation….



The dedication was a closing of a chapter for the 2012-2013 Leadership Huron Class as fundraisng for the enhancements was last year’s class project. Others taking part in the ceremony included the 153rd Engineer Battalion, 147th Army Band, Patriot Riders and Boy Scout Troops 151 and 222.

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