With only a handful of weeks before the November election, Republican US House Candidate Kristi Noem’s driving record is again surfacing as an issue in the campaign. In a press release from Noem’s opponent, Democrat Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, Beadle County States Attorney Mike Moore, a Democrat, gives his thoughts on the issue. Moore explains how he became a part of the debate…
Moore says for him the issue goes beyond an excessive number of tickets…
[audio:http://prprt.itmwpb.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/688/2010/10/beadlectytix2.mp3|titles=beadlectytix2]Moore also says his standpoint on Noem’s driving record is not partisan…
[audio:http://prprt.itmwpb.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/688/2010/10/beadlectytix3.mp3|titles=beadlectytix3]Some of the verbiage in Moore’s statement released by the Herseth Sandlin camp is similar in nature to editorials by Spink County States Attorney Vic Fischback printed in the Aberdeen and Huron newspapers. Moore says he talk to Fischback about Noem, but the statements were not a joint effort between them.