Beadle County Humane Society Gives Update To City Commission

The Beadle County Humane Society updated the Huron City Commission on it’s latest happenings on Monday night. Executive Director Kim Krueger says the numbers so far are on pace with last year…


534 animals have been served so far by the Humane Society compared to 468 in the first half of 2012…


Kreuger says after a successful year of pet registrations in 2012, the numbers seem do be down so far in 2013…


Approximately 90 animals are being kept in the shelter. A remodeling project to the dog room will begin in September. The dogs on site will be temporarily moved to other shelters or foster care while the work is being done. The remodeling will lead to a slight reduction in services while the work is taking place. Krueger says they do not have a completion date for the project since they are still working with contractors.