Beadle county surfaced early as a hot spot for the Coronavirus with an initial 21 cases and two deaths from those positive cases. Beadle county was able to go over one month with no new cases and was downgraded from substantial spread as a result of going through 2 14 day periods with no new cases. Beadle county was added back onto the positive case list with one new addition on Tuesday May 12. Dr Jake Redden, medical analyst with the Beadle County Covid 19 unified task for explains that more cases are going to occur.

Preparations for Covid 19 have centered around assuring that hospitals are prepared for the peak surge with having enough bed space available with control measures in place for patients that need Covid 19 care. Dr Redden, HRMC VP of Quality and Support services says its important for the public to use caution.

Covid-19 numbers and associated information is updated throughout the week at