A community brief was held by the Beadle County Unified Covid-19 Task Force in response to the last increase in positive numbers for Coronavirus in the area.  Erick Larson, President and CEO for HRMC talked about supporting “MaskupSodak” the latest initiative for encouraging mask usage.

Dr Joe Carr with the Covid-19 testing and call center, talked about the background for the appeal for mask usage.

Dr. Carr voiced his support for what HRMC has done to prepare.

On the education side Superintendent Terry Nebelsick spoke about a policy going into effect Monday where a child of a positive Covid-19 parent would still be allowed into school as long as they had no symptoms.

Nebelsick reinforce the reason for plan by highlighting what happens when kids are not in school.

That community brief was aired on Youtube and can be viewed anytime.  Huron Mayor Gary Harrington stepped away from a mandate for mask usage, saying those tools are available and for now they are going to stay on the table.